The Kite Runner

Khaled Hosseini’s novel, “The Kite Runner”, is a 2003 international bestseller, portraying a story of guilt to redemption. This essay will be focusing on three of the many language features that the author uses in his novel; such as narrative P.O.V. (point of view), foreshadowing, and symbolism. Hosseini guides our imagination again with the usage of the Farsi language and cultural references.

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Narrative P.O.V.

Amir was very well off as a child growing up in Kabul, Afghanistan. His father Baba, was one of the richer men in the Wazir Akbar Khan district, of which where they lived. Amir grew up enjoying many of the pleasures a child should, apart from the attention that he constantly craved from his father. Being a rich household they had servants, Ali and his son Hassan. Ali and Hassan are Hazaras, and are looked down upon by other Afghans. Besides that Amir and Hassan were best friends,doing everything together. AmirĀ  Being a servants son, Hassan had a profound respect for Amir as demonstrated numerous times throughout the novel. Amir leads the reader through

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Pomegranate tree

kite fightingeing

Baba and the black bear

“Lore has it my father once wrestled a black bear in Baluchistan with his bare hands.” This story




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